
  1. Kev

    Best Calf Management Practices from Birth to Weaning

    Calves are the future stock of a dairy enterprise. Given the high stakes they hold for the farm, it is important for every farmer to implement best calf management practices to bring up a healthy replacement stock. The title of this article suggests that the practices we'll talk about cover the...
  2. Kev

    TMR Feed Formulation for Lactating Cows

    Feeding dairy cows is vital in ensuring maximum production. However, genetics, health, and herd management should not be overlooked. Although genes have improved over time and continue to improve, feeding also has evolved. It is possible nowadays to offer precision-formulated feed to maximize...
  3. Kev

    Agro-industrial by-products as a feeding strategy for producing functional milk 2024-09-30

    Abstract Agro-industrial by-products, rich in polyphenols, can significantly influence milk production through rumen fermentation. In Egypt, especially in small villages, buffalo milk has a larger market potential than cow milk. This study explores using agro-waste feed ingredients to enhance...