- Botulism is an intoxication that affects both animals and people. It comes from the Latin word Botulus, which means sausage because it is majorly associated with sausages.
- The disease is very common in animals and produces very severe intoxication often resulting in outbreaks.
- It takes a low profile in people but will have pre-formed toxins when one gets infected.
- The toxins are produced by Clostridium botulinum, which is harboured in the GIT. It forms highly resistant spores.
- It is both proteolytic and non-proteolytic and it can cause food spoilage or produce toxins in unspoilt food.
- The bacteria produce several toxins including A, B, C, D, E, and F. All these toxins will occur in both man and animals in varying severity.
- Toxins C and D are very common in animals and cause intoxication in animals.
Conditions for toxin production.
A pH range of between 4.6 and 5.3 or above.
The bacteria have a range of favourable temperatures depending on the food in question. The minimum is usually between 25°C and 37°C.
However, some foods can facilitate toxin production at low temperatures of 10°C while others as high as 50°C. Toxins A and B can be produced and temperatures lower than 10°C.
Food preservation method will affect toxin production. Anything that will cause an anaerobic condition will lead to toxin production.
Sources of contamination in animals
Anything rich in organic matter (e.g. cadavers of animals that had these bacteria. Animals tend to eat these when they have pica).
Decaying plant matter may contain bacteria from dead rodents that come into contact with them. When these come into contact with animal feed, they transfer the contamination.
Sources of contamination in man
Animal proteins especially if kept improperly leading to formation of food pH of between 4.6 and 5.3. When this food is consumed after warming slightly, it leads to poisoning.
People who love to eat raw animal products are at a higher risk. Type B poisoning is common in marine foods and fresh water fish.
Highly acidic/spiced/fermented foods or foods with low protein needs delicate handling. Such food may already be spoilt but you will fail to notice it due to the food’s acidic nature. This often leads to outbreaks.
Major sources of these toxins
- Toxin type A – is very common in man. It is transmitted through chicken meat, fish, and canned vegetables.
- Toxin type B – will occur in both man and horses. It is associated with meat in men and forage/silage in horses.
- Toxins types A and C will occur in birds that eat rotten vegetables.
- Toxins C and B are common in most domestic animals. They pick the toxin from decaying organic matter.
- Type B is common in cattle. They get the toxin from eating contaminated feed.
- Toxin type E is usually associated with man and wild birds. They contact it from marine foods and fish.
- Type F usually affects man. Common in Europe.
Symptoms of intoxication in man
The toxins interfere with the production of acetylcholine leading to motor paralysis.
Incubation period is between 12 and 36 hours. It can be shorter (4 hours) or longer (36 hours) depending on the individual.
Observable symptoms include:
- Upset of the gastrointestinal tract
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Burning sensation
- Diarrhoea with/without pain
- Constipation may occur in some cases.
Nervous symptoms will be manifested as follows:
- Dizziness followed by drying up of the mouth
- Pain in the pharyngeal region
- Blurred vision due to paralysis of the optical region
- Mydriasis – normal dilation, jerky or involuntary
- Nystagmus – when the eyes fixate on an object/target
- Loss of light stimuli, which will lead to blindness
- Temperature is usually unaffected and people will not lose memory.
- When the muscles are affected, swallowing food will be very difficult
- Pharyngeal muscles will be affected leading to respiratory failure and even death
In animals, the effects vary in severity. Mostly affected are chicken and cattle.
- It will lead to sudden deaths
- Paralysis is shown in uncoordinated movements
- Death due to respiratory failure
Tentative diagnosis from the symptoms shown. Isolate suspected foods and carry out tests to identify the toxins and/or the bacteria.
Very difficult to treat. Give the patient antitoxins and treat the symptoms.
Control measure in animals
- Vaccination protects the animals
- Avoid feeding the animals on decaying hay/forage.
Control measures in man
Take great care with animal protein foods. Avoid eating cold food preserved from the previous day. Thoroughly heat it up before eating.