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Stay On Topic: Make sure your posts and replies are relevant to the thread and forum category you are posting in. Off-topic posts may be moved or removed.
No Spam or Self-Promotion: Unsolicited advertisements, repetitive posts, and excessive self-promotion are not allowed. If you want to promote your product, service, or website, please contact a moderator for permission.
Use Descriptive Titles: When starting a new thread, use a clear and descriptive title that reflects the content of your post. This helps other members find relevant discussions more easily.
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Constructive Criticism: When providing feedback, ensure it is constructive and aimed at helping others improve. Personal attacks and negative comments that do not contribute to the discussion will be removed.
Report Violations: If you see a post that violates these rules, please report it to the moderators. Do not engage with the violator; let the moderators handle the situation.
Follow Moderator Instructions: Respect and follow the instructions given by forum moderators. They are here to ensure the forum remains a safe and productive environment for all members.
Use English: To maintain clarity and inclusivity, all posts should be in English. This ensures that the maximum number of members can participate and understand the discussions.
Limit Emojis and Abbreviations: While emojis and abbreviations can add fun to the conversation, use them sparingly to maintain the professionalism and readability of the forum.
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No Multiple Accounts: Each member is allowed one account. Creating multiple accounts can lead to confusion and is not permitted.
Follow Legal Guidelines: Ensure that all content shared complies with local and international laws and regulations.
By participating in Food Systems Africa, you agree to abide by these rules. Failure to comply may result in warnings, post deletions, or account suspension. Let's work together to build a positive and insightful community!