Whoever feeds you controls you.
Kjeldahl process of protein content determination involves digestion of the sample in a Kjeldahl digester in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid and selenium tablet, which acts as a catalyst for the process.
It is a simple, precise, and a straightforward method, especially for learners, to get acquainted with.
You can apply this process on a large variety of foods to determine the nitrogen content, which you then translate as a protein content using a conversion factor.
Nt = {(V1-V2)N*1.4007}/Weight of sample
Where; Nt – Nitrogen content
V1 – Titre value of the blank
V2 – Titre value of the sample
N – Normality of the acid used
Blank titre – 9.9 ml
Cheese sample titres (A – 5.7; B – 5.6)
Sample A: Nt = {(9.9-5.7)*0.1*1.4007}/0.2 = 2.94
Sample B: Nt = {(9.9-5.6)*0.1*1.4007}/0.2 = 3.01
Therefore; the protein content of the cheese sample = 6.38*{(3.01+2.94)/2} = 18.98%
Note: 6.38 is the protein content conversion factor for cheese. Different foods have different conversion factors as shown in the table below.
It is a simple, precise, and a straightforward method, especially for learners, to get acquainted with.
You can apply this process on a large variety of foods to determine the nitrogen content, which you then translate as a protein content using a conversion factor.
Kjeldahl protein content determination procedure (cheese sample)
- Obtain a duplicate 0.2 g of the cheese sample to be tested and put in kjeldahl flasks
- Add 10 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid followed by selenium tablet into each flask
- A control flask should contain no cheese/food sample to be tested
- Set the flasks into a Kjeldahl digester connected to a fume chamber to extract the fumes produced during the digestion process
- Heat the samples until the contents of the flasks remain clear. The machine is callibrated to heat the samples to 410°C for 1.5 hours.
- Allow the samples to cool to room temprature before you start distillation.
- Distill the samples in the distillation unit for about 5 minutes (the machine is callibrated to dose the required amount of 40% NaOH and steam into the flask containing the digested sample).
- Collect the liberated gases in conical flask containing 50ml 2% boric acid (make sure the delivery tube is completely immersed into the boric acid solution).
- Titrate the resultant solution in the conical flask against 0.1N HCl in the presence of mixed indicator (bromocressol green + crystal red).
Nt = {(V1-V2)N*1.4007}/Weight of sample
Where; Nt – Nitrogen content
V1 – Titre value of the blank
V2 – Titre value of the sample
N – Normality of the acid used
After doing the experiment, get the values and use it in your calculations. Let's use the sample values below for illustration purposes:Blank titre – 9.9 ml
Cheese sample titres (A – 5.7; B – 5.6)
To obtain the protein content of the sample, first determine the nitrogen content of each then calculate their average. From there, use the protein content conversion factor to get the protein content of the sample under analysis.Sample A: Nt = {(9.9-5.7)*0.1*1.4007}/0.2 = 2.94
Sample B: Nt = {(9.9-5.6)*0.1*1.4007}/0.2 = 3.01
Therefore; the protein content of the cheese sample = 6.38*{(3.01+2.94)/2} = 18.98%
Note: 6.38 is the protein content conversion factor for cheese. Different foods have different conversion factors as shown in the table below.
Summary of protein content conversion factors for various foods (see FAO table for details).
Food Sample/Class | Protein Conversion factor |
Milk and milk products | 6.38 |
Nuts: Almonds | 5.18 |
Nuts: Peanuts, Brazil nuts | 5.41 |
Nuts: Other nuts, Seeds | 5.30 |
Cereals: Whole meal wheat | 5.83 |
Cereals: Wheat bran | 6.31 |
Cereals: Other wheat flours, Pasta | 5.70 |
Barley, Oat, Rye | 5.83 |
Rice | 5.95 |
Soya | 5.70 |
Gelatin | 5.55 |
Other foods | 6.25 |